Welcome to the Seattle Area of Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. If you have a problem with drugs, please call our helpline or come to one of our meetings! We’d like to help.
Seattle Area 24-Hour Helpline: 206-790-8888
Washington/Northern Idaho Region Helpline: 888-290-1953
You can also text your city or zip code to either helpline and receive a text with a list of 5 nearby meetings in return.
SINAC 2026 Logo Contest
New mailing list for receiving the monthly SASC minutes
To receive the monthly SASC minutes by email, and occasional other announcements, please sign up for the “announce” mailing list by...
GSRs: Order your literature online, pick it up in person
https://seattlena.org/literature-order-form/ Literature orders can now be placed online and picked up on a monthly basis at the following...
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