Guidelines for Submitting Flyers and News Items
Here are guidelines for submitting flyers and other event announcements to be posted on the Seattle NA website in Seattle NA News, and if appropriate, also on the Activities page. Please allow time for the service member to post.
Send the following to
- An event title, to be the title of the blog post. This should always include the date.
- A short text blurb for the start of the blog post. This also appears in the summary list of posts. This should include any links that you want included, in particular a zoom URL if this is a zoom event. Include the encrypted passcode in the URL (if there is one).
- Optionally, a graphic that is displayed as part of the post, in jpg or png format.
- Optionally, a pdf document that is a printable version of the flyer. You only need this if you want people to be able to print out flyers to distribute or physically post. This pdf would be linked from the blog post, but would not itself be part of the post.
Regarding the graphic and pdf document, for zoom events, these should have the zoom meeting ID and passcode, but not the long zoom URL — folks are not going to want to type that in by hand copied from a piece of paper or a graphic. The zoom URL should be sent instead as part of the text blurb (item 2 above), or separately, so that the web coordinator can link it in from the text blurb. This will let people just click on that link to join the event.
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