Seattle Area Literature Order Form

Literature orders can now be placed online or printed/placed in person and picked up on a monthly basis at the following time, location and dates. Payment is due when the order is picked up; no payment is accepted online. The Literature Committee will be located at Seattle First Baptist Church. Enter through the door in the alley. Knock on the door, the Literature Chair will let you in.

To access the printable pdf version, please click on the link below labeled “SASC Literature Form”:
SASC Literature Form

2:30 pm, during the break at the SASC meeting.

Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Ave
Seattle, WA  98122

Dates for 2024:

April 7, May 5, June 2, July 14, August 4, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 8 

    Your Name
    Your E-Mail
    Your Phone Number
    Group Name


    Title Price Quantity
    Basic Text / Hard Cover 6th ed. $15.00
    Basic Text / Soft Cover 6th ed. $15.00
    Basic Text / Large Print $20.00
    Basic Text / Pocket-size $15.00
    Guiding Principles / Hard Cover $15.00
    Guiding Principles / Soft Cover $15.00
    It Works How and Why / Hard Cover $12.00
    It Works How and Why / Soft Cover $12.00
    It Works How and Why / Large Print $17.50
    It Works How and Why / Pocket Version $12.00
    Just For Today $12.00
    Just For Today / Pocket Version $12.00
    Sponsorship Book $12.00
    Step Working Guide $12.25
    Living Clean / Hard Cover $15.00
    Living Clean / Soft Cover $15.00

    Information Pamphlets (IP's)

    IP Price Quantity
    #1 Who, What,How, and Why $0.30
    #5 Another Look $0.30
    #6 Recovery and Relapse $0.30
    #7 Am I An Addict $0.30
    #8 Just For Today $0.30
    #9 Living The Program $0.30
    #11 Sponsorship $0.30
    #12 Triangle of Self Obsession $0.30
    #14 One Addict's Experience $0.30
    #15 PI & The NA Member $0.30
    #16 For The Newcomer $0.30
    #19 Self Acceptance $0.30
    #20 H&I and The NA Member $0.30
    #22 Welcome to NA $0.30
    #23 Staying Clean On The Outside $0.30
    #24 Money Matters: Self-Support in NA $0.50
    #26 Accessibility / Additional Needs $0.30
    #29 Introduction to NA Meetings $0.30


    The Group Booklet $1.25
    Intro Guide To NA $2.25
    NA: A Resource In Your Community $0.60
    Little White Booklet $1.50
    12 Concepts Of NA Service $2.50
    Behind The Walls $1.50
    In Times Of Illness $5.00
    #10 Fourth Step Guide $1.50

    Service Products

    Item Price Quantity
    Group Treasurer's Workbook $3.00
    Group Treasurer's Record Pad $1.00
    Guide To Local Service $9.75
    Guide To Phoneline Service $5.00
    H&I Handbook W/CD $12.25
    H&I Basics $1.00
    Public Relations Handbook $12.25
    Public Relations Basics $2.00
    Outreach Resource Info. $3.25
    Group Readings (Set Of 7) $6.00
    Poster Set (Set Of 6) $13.00
    Group Starter Kit - Basic $9.25
    Literature Rack 8 Pocket $25.00
    Literature Rack 16 Pocket $30.00
    Wallet Card Readings (15) $3.25

    Other Pamphlets

    Item Price Quantity
    #2 The Group IP $0.40
    #13 By Young Addicts, For Young Addicts $0.40
    #17 For Those In Treatment $0.40
    #21 The Loner Staying Clean In Isolation $0.40
    #27 For Parents Or Guardians $0.40
    #28 Funding NA Services $0.40
    #30 Mental Health in Recovery $0.40
    NA & Persons Receiving Med. $0.40

    Service Pamphlets (SP's)

    Item Price Quantity
    Group Business Meetings $0.25
    Group Trusted Servants $0.25
    Disruptive And Violent Behavior $0.25
    NA Groups And Medication $0.35
    Principles & Leadership In NA Service $0.35
    Social Media & Our Guiding Principles $0.35


    Keytag Price Quantity
    Welcome (White) $0.75
    30 Days (Orange) $0.75
    60 Days (Green) $0.75
    90 Days (Red) $0.75
    6 Months (Blue) $0.75
    9 Months (Yellow) $0.75
    1 Year (Moonglow) $0.75
    18 Months (Grey) $0.75
    Multiple Years (Black) $0.75

    NA Coins

    Medallion Price Quantity Year
    Bronze $4.00
    Lazer-Etched $17.00
    TRI-Plate $17.00

    Specialty Items

    Item Price Quantity
    Basic Text/Gift Ed. $30.00
    Just For Today/Gift Ed. $20.00
    Just For Today Journal $17.00
    Miracles Happen/Soft $15.00
    NA Basic Mug $7.25
    Living Clean/Special Ed. $20.00
    Little White/Special Ed. $17.00
    A Spiritual Princ. A Day $17.00
    Basic Library $55.00
    NA Flip-up Style Med. Holder $16.50
    Laser-Etched Med. Holder $10.00

    Any Other Specialty Item Orders

    Schedules (Bundles of 20, max 2)


    Literature Order Total