Seattle Area Service Committee (SASC)
What is the SASC?
The Seattle Area Service Committee (SASC) serves 3 basic functions:
- The committee serves and unifies the Groups within its Area and provides help and support to individual Groups.
- It carries the message of recovery through its various Sub-Committees.
- The SASC supports the RSC (Regional Service Committee) through participation in the greater Group Conscience. The SASC provides the RSC the voice of its members as represented by the designated RCM (Regional Committee Member).
SASC elects its own officers: chairperson, vice chairperson, parliamentarian, secretary, treasurer, and Regional Committee Members (RCMS). Frequently an ASC will have various subcommittees (such as a but not limited to Hospitals and Institutions (H&I), Public Information (PI), Activities, Website, Outreach, Literature, Newsletter) which are led by subcommittee leaders that are elected by the entire ASC.
SASC Monthly Meeting
SASC meets 1st Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm, in-person only.
on February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July 13, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7 2025
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
Enter through the front door on Harvard Ave, veer left, and follow the hallway all the way back to the Friddell Room.
What is a Group Service Representative (GSR)?
Each NA group elects one GSR (Group Service Representative). Group Service Representatives link their groups with the rest of the NA service structure. GSRs provide active influence over the discussions being carried on within the service structure. They do this by participating in Area Service Committee meetings. GSRs are also the financial link between their group and the Area Service Committee. At group business meetings, the GSR report provides a summary of Area Service Committee activities.
New GSR Orientation
New GSR orientation happens the day of Area before the meeting, 12:30 pm in person.
Questions – contact
Contribute to SASC
Groups or individual NA members can contribute to SASC in one of two ways:
- Write a check (Payable to Seattle Area Fellowship) and mail it to: PO Box 70404, Seattle, WA, 98127-0404
- Download the Zelle App, sign up to start using it, and send money to SASC at Directions:
- Download the Zelle app
- Enroll using a debit card linked to a checking account; or
- Enroll using a US checking account using your bank login information, if your bank supports this feature
- Choose a person to pay (
- Confirm the amount and hit send. Please remember to include your home group name so that your group is credited for the contribution.
Because of our 7th Tradition of self-support, we request that only NA groups and NA members contribute to SASC.
SASC Admin Committee
The SASC Admin Committee is made up of the SASC trusted servants (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, RCM1, RCM2, C&E Rep, Literature Chair etc) and is open to all NA members.
Meets every quarter, before Area at 11:30am in person. In 2025, meetings will take place in January, April, July, and October.
July 2023
2022 Admin Committee notes (.zip file)
2021 Admin Committee notes (.zip file)
Submit an Anonymous Comment
Every two years, the Seattle Area Service Committee does an inventory, where members identify what’s working well and what needs to be worked on. Members that participated in the 2021 inventory shared that “making SASC a more inclusive and accessible place, especially in regards to race, sex, and gender” was a top priority for improvement.
Page 36 of our Basic Text tells us that “If we truly want to be free, we will take a good look at input from fellow addicts. If the shortcomings we discover are real, and we have a chance to be rid of them, we will surely experience a sense of well-being.” Because of this, SASC has a grievance procedure, and members are encouraged to bring up what they need to during Open Share each month at Area. But when neither of those options feel safe, comfortable, or appropriate in the face of an exclusive experience at the Area-level, members can now submit an anonymous comment.
Page 9 of our Basic Text states that “Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion.” But just because anyone may join us at SASC doesn’t mean that they will. Some members shared at the 2021 inventory that “the demographics of our membership are not accurately reflected at the Area-level.” So why is that, and what can we do?
Submitting an anonymous comment related to these topics is an act of service and of love to the fellowship, and it creates highly-valuable feedback that can be used to make SASC a more inclusive and accessible place.
Any member can use the anonymous comment box below to describe their experience, strength, and hope. Submissions may be made by a single person or by a group. It can be helpful to think about and answer some or all of the following questions in your submission:
In an ideal world, how would this experience have gone differently?
What spiritual principles do you wish had been applied that you felt were missing?
What could be done to prevent this from happening again?
All submissions will be received by SASC admins as well as inventory ad hoc committee members and will be reviewed on a monthly basis during ad hoc committee meetings for patterns, suggestions, and other valuable insights.
SASC Service Documents
To receive the monthly SASC minutes by email, and occasional other announcements, sign up for the “announce” mailing list by sending an email to The system will send a reply asking you to confirm. For questions or problems, please email
Service documents are in .pdf format. Forms and guidelines are also available in .docx versions for people who need to update them. Please email the web coordinator:
Monthly group reports can now be submitted by filling out an online form at Also, groups don’t need to send updates to NA World Services anymore — the zone takes care of that automatically as part of providing the BMLT meeting software (see Maintaining Meeting Data). In fact groups should not send in their own updates, since doing so would just cause extra work and confusion for NAWS.
Group Contributions
SASC Group Contributions for 2022
SASC Group Contributions for 2021
SASC Group Contributions for 2019
SASC Group Contributions for 2018
SASC Group Contributions for 2017
SASC Group Contributions for 2016
SASC Group Contributions for 2015
SASC Group Contributions for 2014
SASC Group Contributions for 2013
SASC Group Contributions for 2012
SASC Group Contributions for 2011
SASC Group Contributions for 2010
Minutes and Treasury Report
2025 SASC February Minutes
2025 SASC January Minutes
2024 SASC Minutes (zip file archive)
2023 SASC Minutes (zip file archive)
2022 SASC Minutes (zip file archive)
2021 SASC Minutes (zip file archive)
2020 SASC Minutes (zip file archive)2017-2019 (zip file archive)
2014-2016 (zip file archive)
2009-2013 (zip file archive)
SASC Forms
Online Forms
Online Monthly Group Report Form
Online SASC Motion Form
Online Literature Order Form
Online Reimbursement/Transfer form
Online Grievance Form
Printable Forms
Seattle Area Literature Order Form 2018
Seattle Area Literature Order Form Spanish 2013
SASC Treasurer Report Form (.pdf format)
SASC Group Contributions Form (.pdf format)
SASC Motion Form (also see online version above)
Event Accountability Form
Liability Waiver Form
Transfer/Reimbursement Form
Financial Responsibility Form
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