Seattle Area Service Committee (SASC)

What is the SASC?

The Seattle Area Service Committee (SASC) serves 3 basic functions:

  • The committee serves and unifies the Groups within its Area and provides help and support to individual Groups.
  • It carries the message of recovery through its various Sub-Committees.
  • The SASC supports the RSC (Regional Service Committee) through participation in the greater Group Conscience. The SASC provides the RSC the voice of its members as represented by the designated RCM (Regional Committee Member).

SASC elects its own officers: chairperson, vice chairperson, parliamentarian, secretary, treasurer, and Regional Committee Members (RCMS). Frequently an ASC will have various subcommittees (such as a but not limited to Hospitals and Institutions (H&I), Public Information (PI), Activities, Website, Outreach, Literature, Newsletter) which are led by subcommittee leaders that are elected by the entire ASC.

Current approved SASC Guidelines

SASC Monthly Meeting

SASC meets 1st Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm, in-person only.
on February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July 13, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7 2025

Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Ave
Seattle, WA 98122

Enter through the front door on Harvard Ave, veer left, and follow the hallway all the way back to the Friddell Room.

What is a Group Service Representative (GSR)?

Each NA group elects one GSR (Group Service Representative). Group Service Representatives link their groups with the rest of the NA service structure. GSRs provide active influence over the discussions being carried on within the service structure. They do this by participating in Area Service Committee meetings. GSRs are also the financial link between their group and the Area Service Committee. At group business meetings, the GSR report provides a summary of Area Service Committee activities.

New GSR Orientation

New GSR orientation happens the day of Area before the meeting, 12:30 pm in person.

Questions – contact

SASC Service Documents

To receive the monthly SASC minutes by email, and occasional other announcements, sign up for the “announce” mailing list by sending an email to  The system will send a reply asking you to confirm. For questions or problems, please email

 Service documents are in .pdf format. Forms and guidelines are also available in .docx versions for people who need to update them. Please email the web coordinator:

Monthly group reports can now be submitted by filling out an online form at Also, groups don’t need to send updates to NA World Services anymore — the zone takes care of that automatically as part of providing the BMLT meeting software (see Maintaining Meeting Data). In fact groups should not send in their own updates, since doing so would just cause extra work and confusion for NAWS.

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