Seattle Area Service Subcommittees
To contact members of the subcommittees, use the links on our Seattle Area Service Member Contact Information page
Fellowship Development Subcommittee
Open positions:
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Workshop Coordinator
- Caravan Coordinator
- Database Facilitator
Need help setting up a virtual meeting for your homegroup? Fellowship Development is here for you! Please email us at Committee members are standing by to help you set up your meeting on an online platform!
Already meeting online? What is the status of your meeting? Have you made a successful transition to virtual meetings? If not, what are your intentions during this period? Do you intend to wait out the stay-at-home order and then start up in-person meetings again? We’d love to hear how you are doing! We want to be connected with you! We are here to serve YOU! Email us at
H&I (Hospitals & Institutions) Subcommittee
Meets the last Sunday of the month @ 1:15 pm Live or Zoom Meeting ID: 987 363 404 Passcode: panel
Note – While this meeting is now hybrid, orientations are currently in-person only.
Recovery Cafe
2022 Boren Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
- H&I Orientation Handbook
- H&I Orientation Contact Form
- Orientations for speaking on an H&I panel are held on at the H&I committee meeting. For more information send an email to H&I Orientation or fill out the H&I Orientation Form.
Literature Subcommittee
Meetings currently suspended, but groups can still purchase literature by contacting the Literature Chairperson. Or order online and pick up in-person:
Seattle Area Literature Order Form 2018
Seattle Area Literature Order Form Spanish 2013
Public Relations Subcommittee
uMeets online the usually last Sunday of the month @ 3:00 pm except see below.
2024: Apr 28, May 19, Jun 30, Jul 28, Aug 25, Sep 29, Oct 27, Nov 24, Dec 29
Zoom link or Zoom Meeting ID: 987 363 404 Passcode: panel
Open Positions
The following positions are open as of March 2024. Please attend our next subcommittee meeting if you are interested!
- Vice-Chair
- Web 1 Coordinator
- Web 2 Coordinator
- Special Projects Coordinator
- Helpline Coordinator
The purpose of the PR Subcommittee is to serve NA groups and the community at large in the Seattle area to ensure that the message of recovery reaches all those who might benefit. The committee will accomplish this by coordinating services in the spirit of unity to maximize our ability to fulfill our primary purpose.
- Clarify what services NA can and cannot provide to the community in which we live.
- Make NA members aware of their role in NA’s Public Image.
- Aim for the public to recognize NA as a positive and reliable organization.
Internal Goals
- Provide education regarding the responsibilities of each service position
- Encourage and support our trusted servants
- Demonstrate leadership and training
- Provide traditions and concepts workshops
External Goals
- Show NA is an effective, reliable and responsive program of recovery to the general public
- Inform professionals that NA is an effective, reliable and responsive program of recovery
- Work with professionals and the public to use their services to reach potential members (PSA’s, Bus Signs, etc.)
- Create solid and reliable relationships via external interactions with the public
- Carry the NA message of recovery to addicts with limited or no access to regular NA meetings by providing literature, H&I panel presentations or other approved means
PR Committee Guidelines
PR Guidelines 2021
Web Guidelines 2020
PR Meeting Minutes
2023-PR-Minutes-(zip file archive)
2020-2022-PR-Minutes-(zip file archive)
2009-2019-PR-Minutes-(zip file archive)
PR Resources
PR Resource Pool Survey
Interested in getting involved with PR and helping out with our projects? Take our survey to be added to the list: Public Relations Resource Pool Survey
The Next Step Program
The purpose of The Next Step program is to connect the greater community to the resources available within Narcotics Anonymous. Our hope is that people can use The Next Step program as a connection to the services that we provide outside of institutions. While providing an open line of communication, we can realize our vision: That every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message and that no addict seeking recovery need die from the horrors of addiction. See the New to NA? page for links to the Next Step Program contact form and Q&A.
Seattle International Narcotics Anonymous Convention Committee (SINACC)
Open Positions as of Jan. 25, 2025
Committee meets every 2nd Sunday of each month. 2/9, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11, 6/15, 7/13, /11, 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/14
5005 200th St SW, Suite C, Lynnwood (upstairs)
ZOOM LINK: 4833246617 PASS: 62626
Unity Day Subcommittee
Unity Day is a one-day convention put on by the Seattle Area Unity Day Subcommittee to promote unity in our area. We meet monthly to discuss and plan this event, and the fundraisers leading up to Unity Day.
Next meeting:
Thursday, April 21 @ 6:00 pm
23525 84th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98026
Upstairs in the conference room.
Ring the doorbell to be let in.
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